Frequently Asked Questions


I’ve Purchased! Now What?

Now, our logistics team will reach out to you within business days of purchase. They will work with you to set a date for delivery, within a delivery timeframe to be determined. You will be emailed a date confirmation along with a rundown of the delivery process.

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Delivery site must not have changes in slope or travel over difficult terrain on the day of delivery. The weight must be distributed between the 4 corners and the center. 

There must be adequate space to maneuver at the delivery site. Heavy trucks need more turning radius than normal vehicles. The container can be unloaded and the truck can drive forward unobstructed. Here is a checklist to help you judge the space:

  • There must be at least 100 feet in a straight line at the intended drop site.
  • A minimum height and width of 15 feet is required for moving a container.
  • For unloading of the container up to 20 feet of height is required so the tilt bed can be raised up and the container slid off of the trailer.
  • Low hanging tree branches and other obstacles can easily damage components on the container. Limited visibility can create a safety hazard for the driver, so on the day of the delivery you should plan to have at least two people on-site to act as spotters if low hanging objects such as electrical wires or telephone cables are potential problems. You’ll need to ensure there is sufficient clearance to avoid them

We always like to deliver the prefab modules by ourself , just in case for any damage.

In the event that there are problems after delivery due to negligence on the part of the customer or the truck hired by the customer (including but not limited to inclement weather, road and surface conditions, less space than necessary to complete the delivery, insufficient access, etc.) IHPR will not be responsible for any costs associated with hiring that company to complete the delivery process nor for any damage that occurs to the container. However, We recommend delivering it to us for any damage that may occur along the way since some of the modules have glass doors or walls. But you can always pick up if you want

Checks via mail will be processed once received. This will increase the prefab modular home delivery timeframe.

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Payment methods available

No, this is something that we do not handle. However, it is an option that you can check with the bank or credit union of your choice.

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